Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Top 50 films of the decade: Part I

In evangelical circles, I often hear movies and television spoken of as essentially an evil: at best a waste of time that distracts us from what's really worthwhile and at worst an idol that keeps us from intimacy with God and others. Like most good things, I think this is true when it's abused. But when enjoyed appropriately, the visual media is a wonderful way through which humans can express their creativity. It's the next logical step in what humans have been doing for as long as we've been around: telling stories.

Certainly, there is a lot of trash out there to be avoided. But at the same time, through the media of film and television, there has been some breathtaking art created and some amazing stories told. I have found my heart deeply moved through some of the things I've witnessed on both the big and small screens. I've found myself motivated to be a better husband and father, to want to live for something greater, to show compassion to the poor, to be braver in the face of suffering and opposition, to reflect on the fallenness of man and our need for a Savior. The visual medium is an important avenue of human expression, and to completely reject it as an evil is to reject the gift of creativity that we have been given.

So out of appreciation for this gift, I have recently compiled a list of my top 50 films of the decade. Actually got the idea from some friends who've done this, and they inspired me to do the same. I'll do this in multiple postings over the next five days, counting down from #50 to #1, ten at a time, and giving a brief reason for each of my choices. So without further ado...

#50: Spiderman 1 & 2.

I know, it's sort of cheating to have two movies under one listing, but I think it's fair enough for a movie and its sequel if the sequel is as good as the original. You'll see me doing the same thing again several times in this list. Anyway, these were great, character-driven movies that really helped to bring superhero movies into a new golden era where they were allowed to be great films in their own right. Unfortunately... Spiderman 3? Not so much...

#49: Solaris.

Very polarizing movie, but I for one loved it. Very slow-moving, but amazing cinematography and soundtrack. Showed the pain of loss and how important it is to appreciate the good things we have while they're still around.

#48: Matrix Reloaded & Matrix Revolutions

Nowhere near as good as the original, but still great. Some really groundbreaking effects and action sequences, and a resonant story of self-sacrifice for the good of humanity.

#47: Passion of the Christ

Speaking of self-sacrifice for the good of humanity, how about the True Story that inspired all the others? A brutal, realistic look at the suffering Christ endured for our justification. Keep meaning to watch it again every Easter, but haven't been able to bring myself to yet.

#46: Howl's Moving Castle

Filled with the imagination and visual spectacle expected of any Miyazaki film.

#45: Sin City

A film doesn't have to be squeaky clean to be inherently moral. Even though it's violent and bleak, it packs some important lessons. It shows how power (political or religious) can corrupt, the emptiness of vengeance, the darkness inherent in the human soul, and the transcendence of laying down our lives for those we love.

#44: "300"

The same creative team as "Sin City" delivers another excellent film. The classic underdog story of bravery in the face of unspeakable odds, while not shying away from the brutality of war. And a disturbing picture of what happens when man deifies himself.

#43: The Darjeeling Limited

The story of three brothers seeking spiritual enlightenment in all the wrong places. Quirky and hilarious.

#42: Donnie Darko

A bizarre film about one teenager's vision of the apocalypse. With elements of time travel, other dimensions and the end of the world, what's not to love?

#41: 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later

The first of several Danny Boyle movies that have made it onto the list. These are his take on the zombie movie genre, and in my opinion he does it better than anyone else.

Well, that's all for now. I'll try to get the next ten up shortly after Christmas Day. For now, have a very Merry Christmas everyone!

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